Sunday, April 5, 2009

Peer To Peer.

Got some tips from an old manager of mine via an iPhone typed message in Facebook. Young guy around 30, single father of a 6 or 7 year old girl. He is a very honest guy - sometimes brutally so - and I thought this was some solid, honest advice worth sharing:

"Anyway, congrats on the baby on the way thing. It is a hard journey but they tell me it eventually pays off. So my best piece of advice, eh? Well in the first months when it's really rough, get rest when you can, be as nice as possible to your wife and be careful of the whole post-pardum(spelling?) thing. As they get older remind yourself of their age cause you will forget when they act like a baby it's because they are. They take a long time to control their emotions. Also, speak to the kid like a person, not like an adult but like a peer, don't use baby talk it just stunts the verbal development. Have fun with it and if you have the ability to play, do so. I'm not good at playing, I'm a talker.
Anyway, do the best you can and make sure you and your wife still get the opportunities to go out and do stuff even after it's born. I think you'll make a great dad and as scared as you are now, it only gets worse as they get older. Sorry, but it's true, unless you can't stand your kid then you won't care. Alright well good luck to you and if you need any other help or advice let me know."

I like the part about not baby talking - I plan to have full blown conversations with my baby as soon as possible - even if the infant can't talk back.